Seducing Daddy - An Erotic Story Page 2
The next day dragged on an on. She spent most of the day alone in her room, unable to face her mother, and unable to bear being near Greg without touching him, kissing him.
When the time for Kelly’s mother to leave for the graveyard shift at work, it seemed as though she would never get out the door. She spent most of the day in her room watching movies and reading, watching the clock on her nightstand tick away the long hours. When it finally became time for her mother to go into work, she began to chew her fingernails anxiously. It seemed like she would never leave.
Kelly decided to take a shower in an attempt to make the time pass by more quickly. She took her favorite sexy pink tank top and matching panties with her and stepped into the shower.
As the water flowed over her body, she closed her eyes and imagined Greg standing behind her. His hands cupped her breasts, and she could feel his hard cock pressing against her butt. He ran his hands down her belly and between her legs, and he began to finger her. She moaned softly and stroked herself, picturing him touching her that way.
“Oh, Greg,” she moaned, imagining him kissing her shoulder.
The pleasure began to mount inside her, and she rubbed her clit more furiously. She pictured him shoving his hard cock inside her from behind, shoving her hard against the wall and gripping her small waist as he pumped in and out of her.
“Greg,” she moaned. “I want you so much!”
She gasped. She knew she’d been in the shower for a while, and her mother must be gone to work by now. She quickly shampooed her hair and shaved her legs, jumping out and drying off before slipping into her sexy clothes.
She peeked out her bedroom window and confirmed that her mother’s car was no longer in the driveway, and then she went searching for Greg. He wasn’t in the living room, so she headed to his bedroom and knocked quietly.
When there was no answer, she cautiously opened the door and peeked inside. She could see the lump of her stepfather underneath the blankets, and she could hear him snoring lightly. She crept across the floor and slinked underneath the covers, snugging up beside his warm body.
Her hand reached down and slipped slyly into the waistband of his pajama bottoms, searching for his cock. Her fingers curled around it, and she smiled delightedly at the thickness of it even when totally limp. Her hand began to stroke it gently, and she nearly giggled aloud as it stiffened in her hand.
Greg shifted restlessly and mumbled something incoherent. Kelly wiggled closer to him and threw her leg over him, pressing his hard cock against her panties. She grinned playfully as a very shocked Greg opened his eyes and realized what was happening.
“Kelly! What are you doing in here?” he asked groggily, attempting to push her away.
“Shh! Mom’s at work. We’re all alone,” Kelly whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Look, what we did yesterday…” Greg started to say.
“What we did yesterday was amazing!” Kelly gushed, her hand still stroking his hard dick. “And I want to do it again.”
“Kelly, I’m your father. I…”
“Stepfather,” she reminded him. “That’s not even a blood relative.”
“I know, but…”
Kelly ignored him and ducked her head underneath the sheets. Her lips closed around the head of his hard cock and her tongue swirled deftly around it. He moaned, feeling blood rushing swiftly to the head, causing it to pulse erratically.
“Oh, God…” Greg groaned, closing his eyes and placing one hand on top of Kelly’s head. “I can’t… I can’t do this…”
The sheets moved up and down as Kelly’s head bobbed swiftly underneath them. Greg’s head began to swim, and he could barely remember his name, much less his protestations from moments earlier.
Kelly began to wiggle her hips and moan softly as she sucked. Her tongue flittered and flicked across the skin of his cock, and her hand gently massaged his balls. His dick began to throb angrily, already begging for release.
“Fuck me, Greg,” Kelly whispered, her hand still stroking his ready cock.
Greg opened his mouth to protest, but the words would not come out. His mind raced back to the delight of touching his daughter’s naked body, and the tightness of her virgin pussy, and nothing else mattered.
He grabbed her and pulled her higher up on the bed. She lay beside him, and he shoved his hand inside her panties, finding her already soaking wet and ready. His lips closed over hers, pressing with such vigor she tasted the slight saltiness of blood in her mouth.
His fingers roughly parted her labia, and they slipped over her swollen, throbbing clit. She moaned softly behind his lips and lifted her hips, pushing eagerly against his hand.
“Oh, Daddy,” she whispered, her hips now wiggling in small circles.
Greg flinched at her use of the word “daddy”, but it barely registered beyond that. His tongue pushed inside Kelly’s mouth, and his fingers moved in circles over her clit.
“Please fuck me!” she begged him.
He needed no further encouragement. He swiftly yanked her panties down and tossed them into a corner. Then he mounted her and pushed the head of his cock firmly against her opening.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked her, his eyes wild with passion. He wasn’t sure he could contain himself even if she asked him to.
“Yes! Yes! I want this more than anything!” she gasped, moving her hips in an attempt to pull him greedily inside her.
His hand grasped his cock tightly, and she pushed hard. She was so tight that his head barely penetrated. His hips thrust against her, barely making headway into her.
“Do me doggy style!” Kelly suddenly begged.
Greg paused for a moment, and then he moved backward slightly, allowing her to flip over onto her stomach. He grabbed her hips and pulled her up onto her knees, spreading her labia with his fingers and moving the head of his cock into position. As his cock head pressed hungrily against her, he put his hands back on her hips and held tightly, using her body for leverage as he pushed his hips forward, stuffing his cock deep inside her.
“Ohhh!” she cried as his dick finally plunged inside.
Greg reached forward and pulled her upper torso toward him. He pulled her tank top up over her head and threw it aside, pressing the warm skin of her back against his abdomen. He reached around and cupped her small breasts in his hands as he pumped his cock in and out.
His teeth bit into her back playfully, and she gasped happily. With his right hand, he reached down and found her clit, rubbing it vigorously as he continued to assault her pussy relentlessly.
Kelly’s body began to tremble, and he felt her pussy tighten and clamp down around him. She groaned loudly as her thighs shook violently and her whole body shivered with orgasm.
When the trembling had subsided, Greg put his hand on the back of her neck and pushed her face into the pillows. His cock slipped out of her pussy and he rubbed it briefly between her legs.
“Ready to get rough?” he asked Kelly, wondering just how far she was willing to go.
“Yes!” she cried. “Oh, yes, please!”
“Are you sure? There’s no going back if…”
“Do it!” Kelly shouted. “Fuck me, Daddy! Fucking use me! Anything you want, just do it!”
Greg parted her ass cheeks and shoved the head of his cock against her nervous, puckering asshole. His dick was slippery with her juices, and he pushed hard, sinking his cock into her tight ass. She gasped loudly as the wind was sucked from her lungs, and she instinctively tried to pull her body away from the pain, but Greg grabbed her hips and refused to release her.
He smacked her ass gently and growled, “Where do you think you’re going, young lady? You said anything!”
“Yes, Daddy!” she gasped breathlessly as his cock assaulted her ass relentlessly.
“You’re a very bad girl for trying to get away from Daddy,” Greg snarled, waiting for Kelly’s reaction. Was he going too far?
“Oh, yes, Da
ddy!” she agreed. “You should spank me hard!”
Greg’s hand slapped down on her butt cheek a little harder than before as he continued to pump in an out of her tight ass.
“Harder, Daddy! I’m so bad! You have to punish me!” Kelly shrieked.
“Are you sure? How hard to do you want it?” Greg asked.
“So hard, Daddy,” she begged. “I want you to do it hard!”
Greg’s hands squeezed her perky little ass for a moment as his dick plunged in an out, and then he raised his hand high in the air and brought it down with a furious SMACK! Kelly shrieked aloud.
“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Kelly cried. “I’m sorry, Daddy! I’ll be good! I won’t try to get away again!”
“Damned… right… you… won’t,” Greg growled, each word punctuated by another firm slap. “I’ll… teach… you… a… lesson… you… won’t… forget!”
Greg felt the intense pressure of an orgasm building deep inside him, and he quickly withdrew his cock from her ass.
“Turn over!” he demanded.
Kelly quickly flipped onto her back as she was commanded.
Greg moved up to sit on her chest, and he stroked his cock rapidly, bringing the swelling orgasm to the surface. He grunted and groaned as it built, finally exploding. It began to squirt into her face. Some of it spurted into her eye, and she scrunched up her face and tried to avoid it.
With his left hand, Greg squeezed her cheeks, forcing her mouth open. He pushed the tip between her lips and squeezed his shaft firmly with his right hand, flooding her mouth with a load of his hot cum. She choked and sputtered and tried to spit it out. His left hand closed over her mouth, forcing her to swallow it. Her eyes bulged, and she gagged, but Greg would not release her. She struggled against him briefly, but then he felt her swallow. He sat back onto her chest and removed his hand, and she coughed.
“You don’t fucking spit out my cum, do you understand?” he growled, slightly worried he’d gone too far.
“Yes, sir,” she agreed.
“The next time you spit, there’ll be hell to pay,” he snarled.
“Yes, Daddy,” she said.
Greg studied her face intently, looking for any sign that perhaps he’d taken things beyond her tolerance level. But she looked up at him only with adoration and the trusting face of an obedient daughter.
He moved off her and looked down at her stunning body. Her legs were still spread slightly, and he could see her clit poking slightly out of her labia. It was swollen and pink, and it protruded playfully. Her stomach was flat and it rose and fell temptingly with each breath. Her breasts were small, but perky, and they were tipped with rosy pink nipples that were slightly stiff.
“My God you are incredible,” he remarked.
“So are you,” she sighed wistfully. “It makes me so happy to please you.”
“Does it really?” he asked her seriously, lying beside her.
“Oh, yes!” she told him truthfully. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you. I wanted you the first day I met you!”
“That long?” he asked, clearly shocked. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I was afraid,” she admitted. “But I’m not afraid anymore. And I don’t ever want this to end. I want you to keep using my body for your pleasure for as long as you want.”
“I’d be happy to oblige,” he said, and his hand began to explore her beautiful body as she lay beside him.